David Gomes
Paula Carr
Human Resources & Administration Manager
Sean Haggerty
Vice President of Support Services
Jim Gomes
Vice President of Operations
Dane Wurlitzer
Engineering & Environmental Manager
Keoni DeRego
Maui Concrete & Aggregate Division General Manager
Gavin Shiraki
Sales & Marketing General Manager
Darren Orr
Cement Division General Manager
Jonathan Esperanza
Oahu Concrete & Aggregate Division General Manager
Geoy Purdy
West Hawaii Concrete General Manager

At Hawaiian Cement we strive to build an organization of caring individuals through the following values:

Aloha – We sincerely accept the uniqueness of every individual, working together in harmony.

Trust – We build lasting relationships through honesty, fairness and respect for every individual.

Excellence – We are committed to exceeding our customer’s expectations with a positive attitude and an open heart.

Adaptability – We embrace the opportunities that are given to us to be the best that we can be, learning from our mistakes and improving our performance and our vision.